There are a lot of personalities here. Multiple personalities, you might say.
Creative Director
Creative Director & Head of Copy
I think strategically as well as creatively and don't have a particular style. I write in whatever way best suits the job in hand, whether that's adopting an existing tone of voice and language or establishing them from scratch.
Copy Head
TIM C: Speed Freak
Need copy fast? I'm quick and get straight to the point, distilling dense detail into short sentences. That's it. That's all I have to say. You can move on. This sentence is only here because the designer wanted all the these bios the same length. Nearly there. Yep, that'll do it.
Senior Copywriter
TIMOTHY: Grammar Geek
If right and proper copy is called for, call on a writer of proper copy. I abhor split infinitives, put commas and apostrophes in their rightful  places and never end a sentence with a preposition. Some say I’m pedantic. I'd say I'm precise. Certain audiences expect accuracy. 
Social Media Copywriter
TC: Colloquialiser
I don't give a dangling participle about correct spelling and grammar and that. You gotta make sense – can’t spout a word like smarts in place of intelligence if your readers don’t. I get literattitude from some pedants if I start a sentence with but. Or or. And and as well. But it don't bother me none.
Conceptual Copywriter
TIMTY: Part-time Poet
With a passion for poetry and a penchant for prose, I can be a brand's erudite advocate. I'm adept at using memorable metaphors, succinct similes and accurate analogies to elucidate and eulogise. I also have a penchant for a little alliteration.
Video Scriptwriter
A forlorn figure trudges deserted streets. On a bridge, he climbs the parapet and stares into the river below... then jumps - back onto the bridge - and runs. Fast. Cut to him at a desk, typing feverishly. The phone rings. He picks up. "Have you..?" gasps the caller. "Yes," I say, "Yes I have."
English Copywriter
TIMOTEI: Post-modern ironist
I defy convention by following fashion and disrupt accepted narrative form by, y'know, whatever and stuff like that. I'm extra savage into using as much hip slang as poss. Hundo p. By the time you read this, my last sentence will be passé (natch). Mark my mots.
Versatile Copywriter
TAMMY: Multi-disciplined
Do you need to be female to write for a female audience? Writing as a woman I’d say that a man can credibly write from a woman’s perspective. After all, ignoring its current context. there's really no way of knowing the gender of its author.
young copywriter
They say my reading age is 30 but my writing age is only 8½. When things are hard to get I can make them easy-peasy. I write using words with very few letters and no more than three syllables. Anyone who can't understand what I write probably can't read.
healthcare copywriter
DR TIM: Healthcare & Medical
I'm not a doctor, but I do write in the authoritative tone of a healthcare professional. There's no-one better at using comparative superlative terms or at heavily implying health benefits without breaking any rules - just ask your Pharmacist. Always read the label.
Digital Copywriter
#TIM: Digital Writer
To be honest I don't know why people make a distinction between writing for digital media and other writing. I mean, it's all writing, right? I can write engaging, entertaining, informative and even moving copy for any medium, but still I get pigeon-holed as a 'Digital Writer'. 

Blog Writer
T :) : Text Writer
ABRS R NBD 2 ME. AAMOF, TBH, they R APITA. FWIW, IMHO it'd be a GI if PPL met F2F IRL. It may be EZ to KIT by SMS & MMS but PMs aren't really personal. OTOH ICBW - things aren’t FUBAR. PPL DEF H8 TMI, so if ABRS let NE1 who’s GTGBTW KIS and SIT then that's GR8. BBN.
Advertising Copywriter
TIMM: Pith Artist
I ONLY WRITE HEADLINES (sometimes with a witty bit in brackets). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed eirmod et duosed.
At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et duosed diam nonumy sed diam et justo elit
Brand Writer
NOT TIM: Ghost Writer
I've signed enough Non Disclosure Agreements to be comfortable with waiving the right to be identified as the author of creative work. If you want to brief me and say you wrote whatever I produce, that's fine (as long as you pay me handsomely, obviously).
Technical Copywriter
CHARLESWORTH, T. M. : Technical Writer  I was a Marine Engineer until I ran away from sea and swapped my adjustable spanner for a retractable ballpoint. I know my RC from my galvanised elbow joint, so can get my head around technical information and translate it into layman’s language (or explanatory diagrams).
Proofreading Copywriter
I cast a keen eye over everything the other guys here write, making corrections and suggestions to ensure all copy is up to standard. It can be quite a laborious process as, once I've checked a piece of work thoroughly, I put the patch over my other eye and start all over again.
copywriting support
JIM: Dogsbody 
Words aren't really my thing, though I'm a dab hand at writing post-it notes and "Please Keep This Kitchen Tidy" notices, if that's any good to you. My official title is Office Manager, but the job is mainly keeping this lot topped up with coffee and walking the dog.
award-winning Copywriter
I can't speak for myself, but if I could I'd say that I suspect I'm only here to add a bit of quirky humanity.
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